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Barrett Holmes Pitner


Barrett Holmes Pitner is a philosopher, author, journalist, and professor at the George Washington University. Pitner is the author of the critically acclaimed The Crime Without a Name: Ethnocide and the Erasure of Culture in America and is the Founder & Philosopher-In-Chief of cultural think tank The Sustainable Culture Lab — including insightful and intellectual commentary on The Reconstructionist. He holds a master’s degree in journalism from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Furman University.

Pitner's perspectives and expertise as a thought leader have led to appearances on numerous prominent platforms, including: Morning Joe (MSNBC), Al Jezeera, The Hard Line, Caandor Labs, Live from NYPL, The Daily Beast (as a former journalist), and the Tavis Smiley Podcast.

In addition to his academic and writing achievements, Pitner is a board member at the Dignity Rights Initiative at the Center for Human Rights at the American Bar Association. He continues to influence public discourse through his lectures and media appearances, cementing his reputation as a leading voice in discussions on ethnocide, cultural erasure, and the reconstruction of America.

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